December/January 2004:
It's Unconstitutional to Have a Bad Crop Plan

Target Ration:
Developing A Target Ration For Next Year And A Crop Rotation To Provide It

An Example Target Ration / Rotation For a Dairy Herd in Confinement

Cool Forage:
KOW Consulting Association's Recommended Cool Season Forage Grasses Application and Management

Forage Crops:
Alternative Tonnage Boosting Forage Crops to Consider

Grain Production:
KOW Consulting Association Guidelines for Grain Production

Alternative to Corn and the benefits of High Oil Corn

Organic De-Hulled Oat:
KOW Consulting Association's

Organic De-Hulled Oat Nutrient: Cost Comparison

Lab Analysis Comparison:
For Reference Comparison to Lab Analysis of Grain Source

Feed Inventory:
Fall: Feed Inventory / Quality Assessment Time

Upright Silo Capacity (By Tons)

Fall Seed:
Fall Seeding of Pastures and Hayfields

August/September 2007:
What's So Negative About No-Till?

A fine method of planting may be a poor nutrition, soil, and nutrient management system.

April/May 2004:
Is it Ever Appropriate to Use the "R" Word?

Carrots Love Tomatoes

(And grasses love legumes)

Alfalfa and Tall Fescue for Dual Purpose Stands that Endure Droughty Weather

Summertime Is the Best Time to Update Your NMP

Custom Soil Analysis:
Custom Soil Analysis Request Form

Input Form:
KOW Consulting Association Crop Plan Farmer Input Form

Stuff you (we) need to know to develop a crop and fertilizer / NMP (nutrient management plan) for your dairy.

NMP Contract:
KOW Consulting Association

590 NMP Development and Maintenance Contract

NMP Recommendations:
KOW Consulting Association's Thoughts Regarding

Nutrient Management On Your Farm

KOW Consulting Nutrient Management Plan / Crop Fertility Recommendations Form

Manure Log:
KOW Consulting Association Manure Spreading Log Sheet